Jet environmental, environmental consultant Melbourne, specialise in: underground storage tank removals; Environmental site assessment; Soil assessment; Environmental audit (assessments for environmental audit); Preliminary Site Investigation; Detailed Site Investigation; Soil remediation; Groundwater remediation; Environmental testing; Soil Categorisation assessment; Contamination management plans; environmental and/or pollution consultants, Asbestos in soils; Environmental Site Appraisal; UPSS Assessment; groundwater sampling; Soil Classification; soil sampling; construction environmental management plan; drinking water; Groundwater assessment; Groundwater Contamination; Landfill gas Assessment; Lead paint assessment; Offsite disposal; Phase 1 assessment; Petroleum assessments; Residential contamination testing; Soil Contamination testing; Soil contamination management plan; Soil Vapour Assessment ACLCA australian contaminated land consultants .
Assessment for Environmental Audit
An Environmental Audit may be requested by local Council prior to changing land use to a more sensitive exposure setting (for example, from commercial use to residential use) where the site has historically been used for potentially contaminating activities.
Where a site is subject to an Environmental Audit Overlay (EAO), a planning permit condition typically requires a Certificate or Statement of Environmental Audit be issued for the site prior to the commencement of development.
Jet Environmental specialise in the preparation of Environmental Site Assessment or Detailed Site Investigation reports for properties requiring an Environmental Audit.