Jet environmental, environmental consultant Melbourne, specialise in: underground storage tank removals; Environmental site assessment; Soil assessment; Environmental audit (assessments for environmental audit); Preliminary Site Investigation; Detailed Site Investigation; Soil remediation; Groundwater remediation; Environmental testing; Soil Categorisation assessment; Contamination management plans; environmental and/or pollution consultants, Asbestos in soils; Environmental Site Appraisal; UPSS Assessment; groundwater sampling; Soil Classification; soil sampling; construction environmental management plan; drinking water; Groundwater assessment; Groundwater Contamination; Landfill gas Assessment; Lead paint assessment; Offsite disposal; Phase 1 assessment; Petroleum assessments; Residential contamination testing; Soil Contamination testing; Soil contamination management plan; Soil Vapour Assessment ACLCA australian contaminated land consultants .
Soil & Groundwater Remediation
Remediation or clean up of contaminated soil and groundwater may be required when pollution is present at unsafe levels for an existing or proposed land use. Furthermore, groundwater contaminants, and on occasion soil contaminants, can migrate away from the initial source and lead to contamination of surrounding properties.
The clean up of contaminated soil and groundwater to the extent practicable (CUTEP) is often required as part of the statutory environmental audit process and may also be triggered by issue of a Pollution Abatement Notice (PAN) or Clean Up Notice (CUN) by EPA Victoria.
Jet Environmental have extensive experience in the preparation and implementation of clean up plans using cost effective methods and the latest treatment technologies at numerous former commercial and industrial sites, many of which were proposed to be developed for residential or other sensitive land uses.