Jet environmental, environmental consultant Melbourne, specialise in: underground storage tank removals; Environmental site assessment; Soil assessment; Environmental audit (assessments for environmental audit); Preliminary Site Investigation; Detailed Site Investigation; Soil remediation; Groundwater remediation; Environmental testing; Soil Categorisation assessment; Contamination management plans; environmental and/or pollution consultants, Asbestos in soils; Environmental Site Appraisal; UPSS Assessment; groundwater sampling; Soil Classification; soil sampling; construction environmental management plan; drinking water; Groundwater assessment; Groundwater Contamination; Landfill gas Assessment; Lead paint assessment; Offsite disposal; Phase 1 assessment; Petroleum assessments; Residential contamination testing; Soil Contamination testing; Soil contamination management plan; Soil Vapour Assessment ACLCA australian contaminated land consultants .
Environmental Site Assessment
An Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), sometimes referred to as a Detailed Site Investigation (DSI), is undertaken to evaluate the contamination status of the target site including the distribution of contamination, both vertically and laterally, and to identify any potential onsite or offsite contamination sources.
An Environmental Site Assessment may be requested to:
Meet the requirements of a Council planning permit, particularly when change to a more sensitive land use is proposed (e.g. industrial to residential land use).
Prepare a site for residential or commercial redevelopment.
Evaluate the environmental condition of a site prior to acquisition (i.e. pre-purchase or pre-sale due diligence assessment).
Evaluate the baseline contamination status of a site prior to or at the completion of a lease agreement (e.g. a Baseline Assessment prior to the lease of farmland for wind turbine construction).
Facilitate the construction or redevelopment of a childcare centre or education facility.
Meet the requirements of an Environmental Audit.
Meet the requirements of an EPA Victoria issued Remedial Notice.
An Environmental Site Assessment may include:
A desktop environmental site assessment including site history and site setting information with respect to contamination potential.
Soil sample collection and analysis for the presence of chemical and asbestos contamination.
The installation and sampling of groundwater monitoring wells to evaluate groundwater quality.
Soil vapour assessment works where the potential exists for vapour intrusion to a current or proposed occupied area.
Landfill gas assessment works for properties located near current or historical landfill sites.
Consideration of potential site contamination with per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS compounds).
Environmental Site Assessment reports may also be referred to as Detailed Site Investigations (DSI), Detailed Environmental Site Assessments (DESA), or Comprehensive Environmental Assessments (CEA).