Jet environmental, environmental consultant Melbourne, specialise in: underground storage tank removals; Environmental site assessment; Soil assessment; Environmental audit (assessments for environmental audit); Preliminary Site Investigation; Detailed Site Investigation; Soil remediation; Groundwater remediation; Environmental testing; Soil Categorisation assessment; Contamination management plans; environmental and/or pollution consultants, Asbestos in soils; Environmental Site Appraisal; UPSS Assessment; groundwater sampling; Soil Classification; soil sampling; construction environmental management plan; drinking water; Groundwater assessment; Groundwater Contamination; Landfill gas Assessment; Lead paint assessment; Offsite disposal; Phase 1 assessment; Petroleum assessments; Residential contamination testing; Soil Contamination testing; Soil contamination management plan; Soil Vapour Assessment ACLCA australian contaminated land consultants .
Due Diligence Assessment
When considering the purchase of a potentially contaminated site (e.g. industrial or commercial land, etc.), it is important to understand the potential risks involved by undertaking a due diligence environmental site assessment.
The Due Diligence Assessment may include a desktop review of historical information and Council records, discussions with current owners/occupiers, a site walk over and sample collection, where possible.